We rode our bikes to Henley Beach just after the Adelaide Seven ended.It was kind of chilly (and windy).

CNS – On the wallaby – Curtain Fig Tree 2 (B&W)

CNS – On the wallaby : Wallaby’s Lodge

CNS – On the wallaby’s bus
On the wallaby = a great tour & a great backpacker hostel. It was epicly awesome. Good guide, beautiful places, heaps of good fun and food. I do definitely recommend them, especially if you are looking for an overnight packaged tour. Here when leaving Cairns for valleys and the hills and…. the rainforest.

CNS – On the wallaby – Atherton Tablelands, Qld.

Daintree River and the rainforest

Ferry crossing the Daintree River

Port douglas to Cape Tribulation : Birds in newell

Port douglas to Cape Tribulation : Sunrise
Picture taken on the way to Cape Tribulation.
Mossman-Daintree Road, Newell Beach during sunrise, Newell, QLD.

CNS – On the wallaby – Fallen tree

CNS – On the wallaby – In the forest

CNS – On the wallaby – Rainforest walk

CNS – On the wallaby – Curtain Fig Tree (B&W)
After the Cathedral Fig tree, the Curtain Fig Tree. Much more older.
Atherton Tablelands, QLD.

CNS – On the wallaby – Curtain Fig Tree
After the Cathedral Fig tree, the Curtain Fig Tree. Much more older.
Atherton Tablelands, QLD.

CNS – On the wallaby – Jungle Python

CNS – Forest 2

CNS – On the wallabybus
The wallabybus

CNS – On the wallaby – Atherton Tablelands, Qld – Small waterfall

CNS – On the wallaby – Atherton Tablelands, Qld (3)

CNS – On the wallaby – Atherton Tablelands, Qld (2)

CNS – On the wallaby – Lake Eacham 3
Lake Eacham – Atherton Tablelands, Qld

CNS – On the wallaby – Lake Eacham 2
Lake Eacham – Atherton Tablelands, Qld

CNS – On the wallaby – Lake Eacham 1
Lake Eacham – Atherton Tablelands, Qld

Dendrocnide moroides
The first rule of the rainforest in QLD is : you will not be friend with Dendrocnide moroides.
The second rule of the rainforest in QLD is : you will not touch Dendrocnide moroides.
The third rule of the rainforest in QLD is : if rule #2 is not respected, then Have FUN!

Cathedral Fig Tree 2 (HDR)

Cathedral Fig Tree (HDR)

CNS – Forest

CNS – Vers l’infini et l’au-delà… (Balloon)
Ok. ça ne se voit pas, mais pour les personnes qui en douteraient, le ballon est attaché à la canne à pêche. Le festival de Cairns débutait le 19, mais je crois que cette attraction était tout simplement implantée sauvagement sur le bord de mer A vrai dire… je n’en sais rien.
Ce qui est sûr, en revanche, c’est que c’est la « performance artistique » la plus perchée que mes yeux aient vue. Je n’ai pas compris. Je n’ai toujours pas compris. Pitch : des naufragés qui veulent construire un véhicule (fusée ayant l’air d’un radeau, si j’ai bien suivi). Pour y arriver, je crois avoir assister à la mise bout à bout de tout les échecs imaginables en termes de bricolages. Ce jour là, les gens ont sans doute pu assister à la pulvérisation du record du plus lent scotchage de tubes PVC avec du duct tape. Je suis bien resté planté une quinzaine de minute en tentant de comprendre la chose… Échec cuisant. Le lendemain, je suis par hasard repassé par là, et le nombre de protagonistes avait allégrement doublé, tout comme mon taux d’interrogation.
En tout cas, le show a suscité la curiosité (à hauteur de l’incompréhension qu’il a pu généré aussitôt). Well done « les jaunes », car oui, ils s’étaient peint en jaune. Sans doute une histoire de trolls-inventeurs.

The Woven Fish – Cairns Esplanade
Woven Fish by Brian Robinson, 2003.

Cairns – Lagoon
Cairns c’est aussi la mer, mais pas que la mer : plage plutôt vaseuse ayant une eau troublée d’une qualité douteuse. Mais c’est aussi les « Salties » (ndlr: crocodiles d’eau de mer). Baignade moyennement conseillée. D’où la construction du « lagoon ». Piscine en plein air, remplie avec de l’eau salée ET traitée. on arrête pas le progrès.

Flight DJ733 – BNE to CNS (Arrival)
CNS here I come

Flight DJ733 – BNE to CNS

Little bird on a wall

Hallett Cove HDR 2

Hallett Cove 10

Hallett Cove 9

Hallett Cove 8

Hallett Cove 7

Hallett Cove 6

Hallett Cove 4

Hallett Cove’s Buildings 3

Hallett Cove’s Buildings 2

Hallett Cove’s Buildings 1

Hallett Cove HDR 1
Coast near Hallett Cove Beach. Components of the scene. Water : 50% Red Rocks : 49% Trashes / Pollution : 1% (human presence quota).

Hallett Cove 5

Hallett Cove 3

Walking Trail : Hallett Cove Beach to Glenelg Beach 2

Walking Trail : Hallett Cove to Glenelg Beach
Starting point

Walking Trail : Hallett Cove Beach to Glenelg Beach
Walking Trail from Hallett Cove Beach to Glenelg Beach, Adelaide region, SA, Australia.
Took approximately 4 or 5 hours, can’t remember exactly.
Great walk with a great weather.

Hallett Cove B&W

Hallett Cove Walk 2
Carlos – the polar bear.
Few things about Carlos. Occupation : Watchdog. Hobby : Stargazing (when the weather is ok, otherwise he still can watch the girl next door).
He hopes Georges – the yeti (his cousin in law, will be able to make it to australia. The mate got some issues with his visa).

Hallett Cove Walk 1

Adelaide festival centre 2

Adelaide festival centre


Crown & Anchor
Crown & Anchor, Grenfell St, Adelaide CBD, SA.

Garden, Braund Rd.

Saatchi Expo Announcement
Saatchi Expo Announcement – End of July 2011, Adelaide CBD.

Granite Island – Encounter Bay
Still looking for whales…
Granite Island – Encounter Bay, Victor Harbor, Fleurieu Peninsual, SA.

Looking for whales
To see whales or not to see whales, that is the question.

Braund Rd., Prospect 5082
aka. my street, Prospect, Adelaide, SA.

Pubcrawl « end of semester »

Asian Food

Adelaide Misc. 4

Adelaide Misc. 3

Adelaide Street Art
Adelaide – North Terrace facing Adelaide UNI main campus (economics building), SA

Adelaide Misc. 2

Adelaide Misc. 1
Barr Smith Library – Uni of Adelaide (North Terrace campus), Adelaide, SA.

Roadtrip WA 31

Roadtrip WA 30

Roadtrip WA 29

Roadtrip WA 28

Roadtrip WA 27

Roadtrip WA 26

Roadtrip WA 25

Roadtrip WA 24

Roadtrip WA 23

Roadtrip WA 22

Roadtrip WA 20

Roadtrip WA 21

Roadtrip WA 19

Roadtrip WA 18

Roadtrip WA 17

Roadtrip WA 16

Roadtrip WA 15

Roadtrip WA 14

Roadtrip WA 13

Roadtrip WA 12

Roadtrip WA 11

Roadtrip WA 10

Roadtrip WA 9

Roadtrip WA 8

Roadtrip WA 7

Roadtrip WA 6

Roadtrip WA 5

Roadtrip WA 4

Roadtrip WA 3

Roadtrip WA 2

Roadtrip WA – 1

How to dress properly at Adelaide Seven
Adelaide Oval during the Adelaide Seven.

Henley Beach sunset

Adelaide Seven

Féfé @ Womadelaide 2

Féfé @ Womadelaide 1

Whiteria Performing Arts @ Womadelaide
Dancers of Whiteria Performing Arts at Womadelaide.

Roadtrip WA 25

Adelaide, Rundle St. nightlife
Rundle St. (Austral’s balcony point of view, aiming East), Adelaide, SA.

Port Adelaide Station
Port Adelaide, (North) Adelaide Region, SA.

Fields of nothing B&W

Fields of nothing

Random Flower
Granite Island, Victor Harbor, Fleurieu Peninsula Region, SA.

Give way to penguins
Granite Island, Victor Harbor, Fleurieu Peninsula Region, SA.

Granite Island, Victor Harbor, Fleurieu Peninsula Region, SA.
Granite Island, Victor Harbor, Fleurieu Peninsula Region, SA.

Glenelg tram station
Glenelg, Adelaide Region, SA

Fringe opening 4

Fringe opening 3

Fringe opening 2

Fringe opening 1

Cleland Park (SA) 4

Cleland Park (SA) 6

Cleland Park (SA) 5

Cleland Park (SA) 3

Cleland Park (SA) 2

Cleland Park (SA)

Carousel at the GOUD

Welcome to the GOUD

The GOUD main entrance

Tropfest Australia broadcasted by the sea
Shorts Festival in Glenelg

Sunset at Glenelg

Glenelg, rainy afternoon

Glenelg, for the first time 2